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The Hound of Baskerville

Poster der Ostensibles Produktion ”The Hound of Baskerville“

Poster: The Ostens­ibles e. V.

Directed by Marie Fontaine
Produced by Charmian Bilger

Fri­day, 17. June 2011
Sat­urday, 18. June 2011
Tues­day, 21. June 2011
Wed­nes­day, 22. June 2011

From the classic thriller of Sir Arthur C. Doyle, dramatised by Tim Kelly

The greatest of all Sher­lock Holmes adven­tures finally on stage in Osnabrück!

An all­time clas­sic adap­ted to a mod­ern set­ting that takes literature’s most spine-chilling mys­tery and turns it into a play of sus­pense, humour and ulti­mate ter­ror. Sir Henry Bask­erville has become heir to the vast fam­ily for­tune, a leg­acy that comes com­plete with a hor­ri­fy­ing curse – death at the fangs of a diabol­ic­al Hound prowl­ing the Eng­lish moor. Only Sher­lock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Wat­son can stop the bloodthirsty beast from strik­ing again. While the Hound ter­ri­fies the coun­tryside and mys­ter­i­ous lights sig­nal Bask­erville Hall, the sleuth­ing begins. Sus­pi­cion falls on sin­is­ter ser­vants, but­ter­fly col­lect­ors, ladies in dis­tress and escaped convicts.

Who wrote the let­ters that summoned the Hound? What is the sig­ni­fic­ance of the pre­his­tor­ic huts dotting the moor? Is Sir Henry’s love with the lovely Kathy doomed? Is the super­nat­ur­al at work?

Audi­ences will have a ter­rif­ic time try­ing to dis­cov­er the truth, and those who are famil­i­ar with Doyle’s ori­gin­al need to pre­pare them­selves for a sur­prise twist. But rest assured: When the chills and shrieks settle down, there is always a good laugh to relieve the rising tension.

Come and enjoy an even­ing of unearthly enter­tain­ment from start to fin­ish that will no doubt “ter­ror­ise” you.

Cast “The Hound of Baskerville”

Lady Agatha Mor­timer – Ulla Hil­ter­haus
Per­kins – Insa Schröder
Dr. Jane Wat­son – Den­ise Tiefenthaler
Sher­lock Holmes – Robert Muil
Sir Henry Bask­erville – Janis Buß
Bar­ry­more – Markus Hollins
Mrs. Bar­ry­more – Mar­tina Hucksch­lag
Jack Stapelton – Steph­en Swann
Kathy Stapelton – Michaela Bin­ias
Laura Lyons – Tina Teuber

Crew “The Hound of Baskerville”

Pro­du­cer – Charmi­an Bil­ger
Assist­ant Pro­du­cer – Kath­ar­ina Baum­feld
Stage Man­agers – Linda Nieuwen­hoven & Wib­ke Paulsen
Stage Crew – Heike Beyn­on-Thomas, Britta Nören­berg & Uschi Wer­melt
Sounds – Markus Hollins & Markus Voigt
Light­ing – Ian Brace & Hank Han­cock
Set design and con­struc­tion – Roberta Grasselli-Schmidt, Hank Han­cock, Kath­ar­ina Baum­feld, Aisleen Beyn­on-Thomas, Linda Nieuwen­hoven, Kath­ar­ina Weichel & Uschi Wer­melt
Props – Roberta Grasselli-Schmidt
Pub­li­city – Uschi Wer­melt
Pho­to­graphy – Nor­men Kruschat
Poster & Tick­ets – Janis Buß
Fly­er & Pro­gramme – Kath­ar­ina Weichel & Raphael Ger­land (design)
Make-up & Hair – Kath­ar­ina Weichel, Aisleen Beyn­on-Thomas, Heike Vor­wald Hell­mich & Christina Vink-Niese
Prompt – Charmi­an Bil­ger
Front of House – Susanne Ossen­beck, Ruth Mur­as-Wichart & Christina Vink-Niese