Suche Menü

Our productions

Over the past years we have been per­form­ing plays in Eng­lish at the Haus der Jugend in Osnab­rück. Watch this space for fur­ther news!
Next per­form­ances: ”Remain Seated” on 22nd, 23rd, 26th and 27th of Novem­ber 2024.

Past productions

Of Shakespeare, Step­moth­ers and Strong Women | May 2024

The Fox on the Fair­way | Novem­ber 2023

The Stranger | Novem­ber 2022

Franken­stein | Novem­ber 2021

Cash on Deliv­ery | Novem­ber 2019

An Even­ing with The Ostens­ibles | May 2019

Arsen­ic and Old Lace | Novem­ber 2018

Black Com­edy | May 2018

Last Panto in Little Osnabridge! | Feb­ru­ary 2018

Night Must Fall | May 2017

Last Tango in Little Osnabridge? | Novem­ber 2016

Out of Sight, Out of Murder | June 2016

Season’s Greet­ings | Decem­ber 2015

Lend Me a Ten­or | June 2015

Tartuffe is Back | Novem­ber 2014

The Pic­ture of Dori­an Gray | June 2014

Blithe Spir­it | Novem­ber 2013

The Import­ance of Being Earn­est | June 2013

Dying for a Laugh | Novem­ber 2012

Run­ning Riot | June 2012

An Ideal Hus­band | Novem­ber 2011

The Hound of Bask­erville | June 2011

The Mousetrap | Novem­ber 2010

Din­ner for None | June 2010

Sav­ing Scrooge | Novem­ber 2009

Swine After Pearls | June 2009

Drac­ula | Janu­ary 2009


Bühnensituation, Ostensibles – Osnabrück’s Theatre in English