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Join Us

Ein Mitglied der Ostensibles kümmert sich um die Tontechnik

Do you want to improve your Eng­lish-speak­ing skills in a relaxed, inform­al atmo­sphere? Do you enjoy being involved in a soci­able group? Would you like to con­trib­ute to the pro­duc­tion of plays on stage? We are look­ing for new tal­ents, not only on stage but also behind the scenes!

Join the team and become:

act­or / act­ress
pro­du­cer / dir­ect­or
scenery maker (with exper­i­enced help at hand)
stage man­ager or stage­hand
make up artist / hairdress­er
pub­li­city help­er / poster design­er
tick­et seller / front of house man­ager
prompt (Souffleuse)
pro­duc­tion pho­to­graph­er / video­graph­er
cos­tume design­er / maker
props col­lect­or (Requis­iten)
light­ing / sound technician

As we are non-profit­mak­ing, you will NOT receive any money. This is vol­un­tary work. If you are inter­ested, please con­tact us. You can meet us at one of our reg­u­lar brunches.

And relax: Wir sprechen auch Deutsch!


Gruppe von Schauspielern in der Kulisse, Ostensibles – Osnabrück’s Theatre in English