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Das Schauspiel-Ensemble der Produktion "Frankenstein"
Szene aus der Ostensibles-Produktion "Frankenstein"
Szenen aus der Ostensibles-Produktion "Frankenstein"

Pho­tos: The Ostens­ibles e. V.

Horror, Obsession and Betrayal

Back in Frankenstein’s days, “Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence” did not con­sist of Bits and Bytes, but actu­al human flesh. Ima­gine a creature cobbled togeth­er from pieces of vari­ous deceased humans, and you will get the idea of how the verb “to franken­stein” came into being.
It does not take long before the Creature takes on a mind of his own, in the most lit­er­al sense of the word. We join the action as Vic­tor Franken­stein, the Creature’s cre­at­or, is ostens­ibly look­ing for­ward to spend­ing his wed­ding night with his fiancé, Eliza­beth, in his family’s Chat­eau near Lake Geneva. How­ever, said cre­ation soon enough enters the scene. What fol­lows is a grip­ping roller­coast­er ride through the greatest ques­tions of life and death.