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In der Maske: Ein Schauspieler wird für die Aufführung geschminkt.

Do I have to join the Ostensibles to get involved?

If you just want to watch one of our per­form­ances, NO. Just come along to the Haus der Jugend and buy a ticket.

If you want to be more act­ively involved, YES.  You need to become a mem­ber.

How do I become a member and what does it cost?

Con­tact us here.

Mem­ber­ship costs €15 per theatre half-year or €10 if you are a stu­dent, over 65 or usu­ally entitled to reduced prices (unem­ployed, dis­abled etc). You remain a mem­ber till you decide to resign at the end of a theatre half-year.

You will be sent a form to fill in.  You can opt to pay by dir­ect deb­it or bank trans­fer which costs €1 admin fee.

What are the advantages of becoming a member?

You can take an act­ive part in all productions.

You can join in all our social events and drama workshops.

Will I get a role on stage?

When we start a new play, we hold audi­tions. Every mem­ber may take part, includ­ing new ones. We can’t guar­an­tee you’ll get a role but we do encour­age new mem­bers to audi­tion, espe­cially if they are nat­ive speak­ers or have good Eng­lish and some exper­i­ence on stage. If you don’t get a role the first time, there are lots of back stage jobs for you to gain exper­i­ence and hope­fully get a role the fol­low­ing production.

If I get a role, how much time will I have to spend rehearsing?

Once we have decided on our next play we rehearse every Tues­day and Thursday from approx­im­ately 7–10 pm in the Haus der Jugend.  If you have a small role you may not need to attend every rehearsal.

I don’t have that much time to commit / My English isn’t that good, how can I still be involved?

You can volun­teer to help back­stage. There are lots of jobs which need doing. Click here to see what they are.

You can come to our social events and workshops

Do I need to have any experience on- or back-stage to volunteer?

No exper­i­ence is required for most jobs. An interest in the theatre is good for starters, reli­ab­ilty is key, as is a will­ing­ness to learn and have fun! We wel­come people who can work inde­pend­ently and with ini­ti­at­ive in some of the back­stage jobs but this isn’t essen­tial. We can give you help. Every­one is treated equally regard­less of what role they play in the group. There are always oppor­tun­it­ies for people with less con­fid­ence or abil­ity to have a go and try some­thing new.

What are your social events?

This year we are try­ing to hold a monthly brunch on Sundays. This is open to non-mem­bers so that they can get to know us before joining.

We also have reg­u­lar inform­al events just for mem­bers. These may involve a group vis­it to the Christ­mas Mar­ket, Maiwoche, a vis­it to anoth­er theatre group, a meal or just going for a drink after a rehearsal.

Some­times mem­bers organ­ise unoffic­al events.

What about drama workshops?

We usu­ally hold one or two per year.

How do you decide which plays to perform?

Mem­bers make pro­pos­als. Then we hold a meet­ing of inter­ested mem­bers to dis­cuss the proposals.

We try to choose titles which we know our audi­ence mem­bers like such as com­ed­ies, farces and mystery/thrillers.

After dis­cus­sion we ask for volun­teer dir­ect­ors. They will look at the plays and decide which one(s) they might like to dir­ect and can cast with the mem­bers avail­able. Usu­ally we agree quickly as there is only one volun­teer dir­ect­or and often only one suit­able play but if there is a choice of dir­ect­ors and plays mem­bers vote for their favour­ite title.

May I as an audience member suggest a play?

You may cer­tainly make a sug­ges­tion and the board will look at wheth­er it would be feas­ible for our group to per­form it. The first prob­lem is always wheth­er we have enough mem­bers of a suit­able gender and age range to cast it.

Do you ever perform musicals?

Sorry, no. There aren’t really enough of us and they are also very expens­ive to produce.

How can I find out more about the Ostensibles?

The best place is to look at this web­site as we try to update it reg­u­larly with details of our next pro­duc­tion and open social events. You don’t need to be a mem­ber to do this.

You can con­tact us here

I can’t join the Ostensibles but I would like to come to your performances. How can I get advance information?

Via our website

Ask us to put you on our info-mail­ing list. You will be sent advance notice and remind­ers about our next productions.

Is everyone welcome?

Of course! That goes without saying!