Do I have to join the Ostensibles to get involved?
If you just want to watch one of our performances, NO. Just come along to the Haus der Jugend and buy a ticket.
If you want to be more actively involved, YES. You need to become a member.
How do I become a member and what does it cost?
Contact us here.
Membership costs €15 per theatre half-year or €10 if you are a student, over 65 or usually entitled to reduced prices (unemployed, disabled etc). You remain a member till you decide to resign at the end of a theatre half-year.
You will be sent a form to fill in. You can opt to pay by direct debit or bank transfer which costs €1 admin fee.
What are the advantages of becoming a member?
You can take an active part in all productions.
You can join in all our social events and drama workshops.
Will I get a role on stage?
When we start a new play, we hold auditions. Every member may take part, including new ones. We can’t guarantee you’ll get a role but we do encourage new members to audition, especially if they are native speakers or have good English and some experience on stage. If you don’t get a role the first time, there are lots of back stage jobs for you to gain experience and hopefully get a role the following production.
If I get a role, how much time will I have to spend rehearsing?
Once we have decided on our next play we rehearse every Tuesday and Thursday from approximately 7–10 pm in the Haus der Jugend. If you have a small role you may not need to attend every rehearsal.
I don’t have that much time to commit / My English isn’t that good, how can I still be involved?
You can volunteer to help backstage. There are lots of jobs which need doing. Click here to see what they are.
You can come to our social events and workshops
Do I need to have any experience on- or back-stage to volunteer?
No experience is required for most jobs. An interest in the theatre is good for starters, reliabilty is key, as is a willingness to learn and have fun! We welcome people who can work independently and with initiative in some of the backstage jobs but this isn’t essential. We can give you help. Everyone is treated equally regardless of what role they play in the group. There are always opportunities for people with less confidence or ability to have a go and try something new.
What are your social events?
This year we are trying to hold a monthly brunch on Sundays. This is open to non-members so that they can get to know us before joining.
We also have regular informal events just for members. These may involve a group visit to the Christmas Market, Maiwoche, a visit to another theatre group, a meal or just going for a drink after a rehearsal.
Sometimes members organise unoffical events.
What about drama workshops?
We usually hold one or two per year.
How do you decide which plays to perform?
Members make proposals. Then we hold a meeting of interested members to discuss the proposals.
We try to choose titles which we know our audience members like such as comedies, farces and mystery/thrillers.
After discussion we ask for volunteer directors. They will look at the plays and decide which one(s) they might like to direct and can cast with the members available. Usually we agree quickly as there is only one volunteer director and often only one suitable play but if there is a choice of directors and plays members vote for their favourite title.
May I as an audience member suggest a play?
You may certainly make a suggestion and the board will look at whether it would be feasible for our group to perform it. The first problem is always whether we have enough members of a suitable gender and age range to cast it.
Do you ever perform musicals?
Sorry, no. There aren’t really enough of us and they are also very expensive to produce.
How can I find out more about the Ostensibles?
The best place is to look at this website as we try to update it regularly with details of our next production and open social events. You don’t need to be a member to do this.
You can contact us here.
I can’t join the Ostensibles but I would like to come to your performances. How can I get advance information?
Via our website
Ask us to put you on our info-mailing list. You will be sent advance notice and reminders about our next productions.
Is everyone welcome?
Of course! That goes without saying!