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About us

Das Schauspiel-Ensemble beim Warm-up

Ostens­ibles e. V. is a theatre group that wel­comes drama fan­at­ics from all walks of life to either watch our twice yearly per­form­ances or even take an act­ive part in the production.

What we do

The name “OSTENSIBLES” sig­ni­fies some­thing like “(the) appar­ent (ones)”. That echoes the main goal of the group: like every theatre com­pany, we seek to stage fic­tion­al, but plaus­ible per­form­ances. How­ever, the name also points to the unique fea­ture of this ama­teur group: we are an Osnab­rück-based Eng­lish lan­guage group which puts on its pro­duc­tions in Eng­lish – hence, OSnabrück’s Theatre in ENglish.

Our aim is to pro­mote edu­ca­tion and cul­ture by means of Eng­lish lan­guage ama­teur theatre in and around Osnab­rück. The group regards itself as the civil­ian suc­cessor group to Osnab­rück Ama­teur Dra­mat­ics Soci­ety (OADS) which was estab­lished in the bar­racks of the Brit­ish Gar­ris­on in Osnabrück.

The Ostens­ibles work in con­junc­tion with Haus der Jugend where we rehearse and meet. Our per­form­ances take place in the Haus der Jugend.

Our board

The board con­sists of five mem­bers and is respons­ible for man­aging the busi­ness of Ostens­ibles e. V. as well as its leg­al rep­res­ent­a­tion. It is, for example, respons­ible for mem­ber­hip admin­is­tra­tion, pub­lic rela­tions and the plan­ning and super­vi­sion of events of the asso­ci­ation. The board is elec­ted by the mem­bers. It has a chair­per­son, a deputy chair­per­son, a sec­ret­ary, a treas­urer and a fifth mem­ber without portfolio.


Zwei kostümierte und geschminkte Schauspieler von den Ostensibles